Tag Archives: Printables

Starting a Non Profit Checklist

I’m often asked about the steps involved in starting a non profit. While there are some standard steps you can take, there are also variations based on the state in which you are planning on forming. You see, while 501(c)(3) – what people traditionally think of as non profit status – is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) classification for tax exempt status (on the basis of there not being a profit motive and the purposes of the organization being in the public interest). The status Continue reading →

How to write a Press Release for your non-profit or social enterprise

You figured out that you need to write a press release. What now? It always helps to have a template on which to base your press release – especially with short notice or a limited turnaround as can happen when responding to current affairs or announcing a time sensitive event. There’s one to download at the bottom of the post! Start with a template. I’ve included one as a download at the bottom of this post. Templates are an incredible time saver and a way Continue reading →

Checklist of items to take to your next presentation or speaking event

Presenting on behalf of your non-profit organization, social enterprise, or socially responsible business can be as easy as stepping up and waxing lyrical. But sometimes, you may need to think through some contingencies. Here is a checklist of items to take your next presentation or speaking event. Note: *affiliate links* are included in the checklist – but only for products and services we use ourselves. You can download the list as a printable below! CHECKLIST Business cards – Bring more than you will need, along Continue reading →

Free Printable: Password Log

I am organized. I am not always neat or tidy. But, I know exactly where to find the information that I need. One of the reasons I am able to keep track of things, information and documents, is that I have systems, templates, and ways of keeping track – both in paper form and electronically. I’ve been asked by friends and colleagues to share different aspects of my system over the years, and It occurred to me that maybe some of these templates and tips Continue reading →