Tag Archives: empowering communities

Mental Health Resources for Military Families and Military Veterans

Resources for Military Families and Military Veterans Mental Health is arguably the most pressing issue facing military families today. Whether active-duty, reservist, veteran, service members or dependents, including gold star families. Getting military veterans the help they need to recover from mental trauma soon after discharge may help them avoid years of personal, psychological and financial struggles, according to a report from the Rand Corporation. The Rand Corporation found that while providing veterans with immediate, high-quality treatment for PTSD depression would be more expensive initially, Continue reading →

How to write a Press Release for your non-profit or social enterprise

You figured out that you need to write a press release. What now? It always helps to have a template on which to base your press release – especially with short notice or a limited turnaround as can happen when responding to current affairs or announcing a time sensitive event. There’s one to download at the bottom of the post! Start with a template. I’ve included one as a download at the bottom of this post. Templates are an incredible time saver and a way Continue reading →

A little bit less of a superhero

For the first two and a bit decades of my life I ran roughshod over myself. Tired or not, sick or not. If i had things to do, they got done. If this involved sport or some other punishing physical endeavour then all the better. It was not unusual for me to play a game of cricket, travel to an away swimming carnival, run 5 to 10k in training for cross-country, and play or umpire a couple of games of netball in the same weekend. Continue reading →

You are not special

A few years ago I spent six months in between positions in higher education working in retail hospitality: a cafe in a busy mall. I wrote this reflection in the midst of that experience. Each Christmas I am reminded by the lessons buried deep within muscle memory from that time. _____________________________________________________________________________ Working with ‘the public’ for the last four or five months, one pervasive attitude has struck me as being detrimental to our communities growing and thriving. It’s something that I don’t see the church Continue reading →

Writing for Good in the world

I love to write when creativity strikes and while I would contend that is in a place of unbridled creativity that my best ideas come it is not usually where I can expect to write polished pieces. But what is writing for Good? Often the moments of creativity produce sparks and tangents that take time, control, and discipline to flesh out into fully developed arguments that flow. I often have to go back after I have posted to fix spelling and grammar mistakes, and to Continue reading →

Productivity Tools for Non Profit and Social Enterprise Professionals

Yes, this is another article about productivity tools, but this article shares what works for us. Everyone is looking for the answer that will solve all their organisational, life, and work challenges. Just over seven years ago I wrote a post offering some advice and links to productivity tools that I found useful in my research and writing. I thought it was time to revisit the topic and reflect on what I’m finding most useful now. I try to share things that help me but Continue reading →

About Anna Blanch Rabe

Who am I? I have many guises, but am hopefully without guile. I am the little girl who grew up in Aussie bush. I am the woman who joined the Army out of high school, who still loves to travel alone and with a hint of wanderlust and mountains of curiousity that pushes me to experience the many and varied cultures (and their food) of the world; who loves to eat, but finds some things nourish her body and soul more than others. Who decided Continue reading →