Tag Archives: resources

Addiction Resources for Military Veterans and Military Families

Resources for Military Families and Military Veterans Addiction and Substance Abuse are concerns within the military community, just like in the broader community. It can often feel difficult to seek the help that you or your family member needs when they are struggling with the effects of substance abuse and the challenges of addiction, especially if they are on active duty. In 2014, Research showed that the Veteran’s addiction phase was 4 years longer than non-vets and they experienced significantly more financial and legal problems. Continue reading →

After School Programs

After school programs serve children and youth of all ages, and encompass a broad range of focus areas including academic support, mentoring, youth development, arts, and sports and recreation. Some well-known programs in the US include Boys and Girls Clubs of America. In Australia many after school programs are based on school property. Before and After School Program Options School-based programs Schools provide a variety of extracurricular programs (from sports to drama and various clubs, etc.) that young people can be engaged with after school. Continue reading →

31 Things We wish Someone had told us before we Started Graduate School

What we wish someone had told us before we started Graduate School. This post was originally published on Goannatree, a blog I wrote for 6 years. It was a post that received many many comments and that readers seemed to find helpful. This is updated. _____________________________________________________________________________ There are those lessons you learn from facing the fire and walking through it. Those things that you read and know will change the way you think about your life. This list is definitely an outpouring of the former, Continue reading →

5 books to help you grow

My reading has always been somewhat eclectic so don’t be suprised by these 5 books to help you grow. From legal treatises, works of theology, summaries of psychological research, and literature from a variety of english speaking traditions – I thought i’d share some of the books that have been lugged around in my suitcase and graced my nightstand early in 2018. Tables in the Wilderness My first book for 2018 was “Tables in the Wilderness” by Preston Yancey – in those heady days after Continue reading →

Mental Health Resources for Military Families and Military Veterans

Resources for Military Families and Military Veterans Mental Health is arguably the most pressing issue facing military families today. Whether active-duty, reservist, veteran, service members or dependents, including gold star families. Getting military veterans the help they need to recover from mental trauma soon after discharge may help them avoid years of personal, psychological and financial struggles, according to a report from the Rand Corporation. The Rand Corporation found that while providing veterans with immediate, high-quality treatment for PTSD depression would be more expensive initially, Continue reading →