Tag Archives: business

A Guide to Networking at Conferences

Professionals are often advised that networking at conferences is essential for increasing career opportunities. However, networking is also crucial for setting up collaborations and for developing professional relationships with others in your field. This goes for academics and scholars at any stage of their careers. Like teaching or business relationships, networking is very much dependent on your personality and social ease. It seems to be a given that it’s important, but how do you go about it? and how exactly is networking different from socializing? Continue reading →

Finding Hope in Design

Lauren Hope is more than a survivor she finds hope in design. She finds a way to thrive in the midst of challenge. Lauren Hope is the owner, designer, and artisan behind Hope Design, Ltd ®. A military spouse herself, she carefully handcrafts unique military jewelry and accessories to honor our country’s service veterans and heroes. Her creations are available online, and in selected not-for-profit, military spouse mission-driven gift shops. Lauren has created custom pieces for Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates, and I have given at Continue reading →

6 steps to changing the world

So you want to change the world? I am convinced that changing the world for the better starts with ourselves. I’m not alone – some of the greatest thinkers in world history agree with me. “What do you want to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver Here are 6 steps to changing the world. If this sparks your imagination, and you would like to learn how to apply these steps in more detail, take a look at our Guide to Continue reading →

How MilKids Ed is fighting for the education of military children

Meg Flanagan and MilKids Ed is a champion and advocate for the education of military children. Changing schools is nothing new for military kids. My own husband attended 12 schools during his early years, and experienced every type of educational environment imaginable – from montessori, to japanese preschool, to coop, to public school, private school, Catholic School, and even homeschooling for two years in highschool. His experience is anything but unique. But that doesn’t mean it’s not hard for many military kids – sometimes, especially Continue reading →

Mission: Military Spouse Entrepreneur

I began my journey to being a Military Spouse Entrepreneur literally on the opposite of the world. As an Australian trained attorney I found myself living with my active duty military spouse in a US State where there was no path for me to be admitted to the Bar. After serving a District Attorney’s Office writing motions and case notes, and leading a large regional non profit as its Executive Director, we moved to another military base in the same state. Which, if you are Continue reading →

This is a “must attend” conference in the Military Community Marketing Space

It’s time to buy your tickets for the Military Influencer Conference:  calling all Veteran and Military Spouse Advocates, Business owners, and Online Entrepreneurs, and those companies seeking to market to the military community! There is a conference I think is a “must attend” for 2018. If you want to understand how to market to the military community, if you want to succeed as a military connected entrepreneur, or if you want to build a platform, business, or organization serving clients outside of the military community: Continue reading →

Survival Kit for Graduate Students

A survival kit for Graduate students you say?! For some of you, it may be a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, hence: Coffee does more than Milton can, to justifie the ways of God to Man. There’s a variation on that quote from A.D. Houseman, if you know it. For others it may be getting your necessary 10 hugs a day –apparently that’s the number we all need to thrive — and for others still a hearty belly laugh! I am not Continue reading →

Why I care about the Handbag I carry #bagsonamission

This post contains affiliate links. I am a brand Ambassador for R.Riveter. I have received products in exchange for my role as as a brand Ambassador for R.Riveter. Labels have never meant very much to me. I wore a uniform all 13 years of schooling, and then I joined the Army and wore a uniform. I really didn’t like non-uniform days growing up. I didn’t have stylish clothes and hated trying to figure out what was “in.” For a long time I didn’t carry a Continue reading →

Work from anywhere: practical tips for location freedom

I’ve spent much of the last ten years traveling. I’m all about figuring out how to work from anywhere. A large part of that also involved working in the “fringe hours” and making the most of working on research and writing projects in the midst of travel. This post does include affiliate links. Please see our disclosure policy for more information. I have worked beside pools, in parks, on buses, on long road trips as a passenger, in countless hotel rooms, internet cafes, friends’ kitchen Continue reading →

When you don’t want to go: Military Influencer conference 2017

While I was one of the earliest earlybird ticket buyers for Military Influencer Conference 2017 (#milblogging17), I really wasn’t sure I wanted to go. It’s been a long year and I admit I was worried. I’ve been on the road for over four months so far this year and it’s only October. Time away means time I’m not spending communicating with my clients. So what was I worried about? This would be another  dude-bro fest that spoke only to male veterans. It would be a Continue reading →