Missive from under the goanna tree #2

This is the opportunity I take to share a summary of my words, some of the words of others that I find inspiring, an image, and some fun facts about who is reading! You can read the first missive here.

In the last month, life has changed radically. The honeymoon is over (literally), and I’m back in Australia to finish up my role with the Anglican Church I’ve been working with for the past year. I’m still working with a local university to grade graduate level papers and I’m sure eventually I’ll be back in a University context, teaching.

But, the second week of April will herald a new season of life: Not only will I be in final preparations for Overland from Oz and finalising my packing to ship my household good to the US, I will officially be hanging out my shingle as a full-time writer.

It’ll be a time of transition and change, but there’s some excitement in that too! I’ve always let freelance work fall into my lap, and worked on a mix of academic and popular publications. This time, I will be putting myself out there and going after the opportunity to do what I love. There’ll be more about that later. I’m working on my portfolio, and a media kit – it’s certainly been a learning curve for me!

In the last month, I was marrying and honeymooning so a little less writing than normal was happening, but i did participate in Story Sessions “Girls We Once Were” linkup. It was inspiring reading the powerful writing and beautiful stories of the other women who participated. My piece was On Feeling Like You are Too Much. It’s a little diversion from the kind of writing I normally do, but it was a challenge I relished. Community is a good thing as a creative, and sometimes you need to push beyond yourself to nurture that community.

It’s a small world!

On Overland from Oz planning posts I often share a list of countries where readers have visited Not a Pedestrian Life in the previous week. I thought it might be interesting to share a list of the top 30 countries where readers have been reading www.AnnaBlanch.net

Top 30

  1. Australia
  2. USA
  3. UK
  4. Canada
  5. Finland
  6. France
  7. Italy
  8. Spain
  9. Germany
  10. Japan
  11. NZ
  12. Costa Rica
  13. Isle of Man
  14. Pakistan
  15. India
  16. Philippines
  17. Singapore
  18. Netherlands
  19. Mexico
  20. Ireland
  21. Taiwan
  22. Malaysia
  23. South Korea
  24. Romania
  25. Togo
  26. Poland
  27. Puerto Rico
  28. Malaysia
  29. Belgium
  30. Brazil


Once again it bowls me over where people are reading! There were also visitors from Benin and Mexico, among others. This last month saw a record (for my projects) for the number of different US states represented among the visitors to the website: 40 different states of United States of America (including,  Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,   Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana,  Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin) and the District of Columbia,


The words of Others

 The girls we once were linkup. – all of it!

A letter to the Girl(s) – Dina Trautwein


My words

Missive from under the Goanna tree
On being ‘a local’ all over the world
Obstacles are there to be overcome; or are they?
Call me a nomad
I am a legal alien
When International Affairs and acts of war throw things into disarray
The things you notice
Living a double life
Overland from Oz Itinerary Overview: Southern Queensland and Brisbane
Overland from Oz Itinerary Overview: Northern Queensland
Winds of Change
Almost Homeless
Ready for this
A Naked Theologian
The perfect shade of grey
Gluten Free Oatmeal Cookies
This is not the most important dress
Healing Silence
Carrot & Sweet Potato Soup
Cheap and Tasty Hummus
Gluten Free Peanut Butter Cookies
When books aren’t the best teachers

An image

Anna Blanch Rabe

Books that look interesting

Anna White, Mended
Sarah Styles Bessey, Jesus Feminist
Addie Zierman, When we were on fire
Nadia Bolz-Weber, Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner & Saint
Elizabeth Esther, Girl at the End of the World: My Escape from Fundamentalism in Search of Faith with a Future

A Quote

“We have an opportunity. To write words that matter, to change lives with language.” ~ Jeff Goins


Listening. Observing. Participating. Writing. Photographing. Reflecting.

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Anna Blanch Rabe is an Australian-born writer and photographer.  You can follow her adventures on Not A Pedestrian Life, or Facebook. More of her photography can be viewed here. For more of her writing take a look at Quotidian Home or her previous website, Goannatree.
