Tag Archives: business

Anna Blanch Rabe to Join United Way of Otero County Inc Board

PRESS RELEASE Anna Blanch Rabe to Join United Way of Otero County, Inc Board of Directors Alamogordo, NM – Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates announces that their Chief Executive Officer, Anna Blanch Rabe has been elected to the United Way of Otero County, Inc Board of Directors as part of their Annual General Meeting on 30th January 2017. Michelle Brideaux, Director of Marketing & Fundraising for United Way of Otero County said “Having a strong, active and diverse board of directors is critical to the Continue reading →

Empower: January 2017

January is a busy month for many non-profits, with conferences, end of year admin to tidy up, and planning for the year ahead! Last week, we sent out the first ever monthly email as part of this new(ish) endeavor: Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates LLC. ABR was legally formed in September 2016 and it’s been an exciting and challenging few months. If you’d like to receive the monthly email, all in aid of helping you share meaningful stories and empowering you as you build vibrant, Continue reading →

Writing for Good in the world

I love to write when creativity strikes and while I would contend that is in a place of unbridled creativity that my best ideas come it is not usually where I can expect to write polished pieces. But what is writing for Good? Often the moments of creativity produce sparks and tangents that take time, control, and discipline to flesh out into fully developed arguments that flow. I often have to go back after I have posted to fix spelling and grammar mistakes, and to Continue reading →

Health, Wellness and Food Related Awareness Days and Months

So you’re looking for ways to bring attention to your issue, organization or product? and it is health, wellness, or food related? I have a substantive (and pretty long) list of health, wellness and food related awareness days and months that will help shorten the amount of time needed to develop and executive a communications strategy around an awareness or commemorative day/month. This list will help you by saving you significant time in researching the hundreds of awareness days and months that might connect in Continue reading →

EMPOWER: our monthly e-Newsletter

Making a living and making your community a better place to live have a wonderful symmetry.  My goal, as a speaker, a writer, and a consultant, is to serve those who lead social enterprises, non profits, and those who are building businesses where their desire for a profit exists intertwined with their commitment to build a strong, vibrant community, with high quality communications strategy, advice, content, and execution. Personally, I seek to live a life of meaning and adventure! Not a Pedestrian Life! As part Continue reading →