Making a living and making your community a better place to live have a wonderful symmetry. My goal, as a speaker, a writer, and a consultant, is to serve those who lead social enterprises, non profits, and those who are building businesses where their desire for a profit exists intertwined with their commitment to build a strong, vibrant community, with high quality communications strategy, advice, content, and execution.
Personally, I seek to live a life of meaning and adventure!
As part of the mission of Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates, in seeking to help our clients to share meaningful stories, and empower those who build communities, I want to share the best resources, links, tips, and information I can to help you and your organization succeed, and your community grow.
I offer free consultations for those organizations or leaders who would like to brainstorm with Anna. These are offered on a limited basis. Click Here to apply for one of these valuable appointments.
For ongoing resources, links, tips, and information, why not sign up for EMPOWER, our monthly e-Newsletter?
The first e-newsletter will be sent out in the 3rd week of January, 2017.
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Sharing Meaningful Stories & Empowering those who build Communities