Tag Archives: media

Video didn’t kill the radio star

I love Radio. Video did not kill the radio star. There, I said it. I know that inbound marketing content creators are not supposed to love radio. But I do. The current and emerging marketing trend for video is coming at you from every side. I’ve dipped my toe into that pond – with moderate success. But even if i found incredible success with video, I believe that my long-term love will remain radio. Why? Because it is about substance more than form. It is Continue reading →

How to be a Networking Rockstar!

You want to know how to be a networking rockstar?! I have news for you. It is really quite simple: Be a real person interested in another real person. That’s it. Seriously. Everything else I have to share with you are tactics and techniques. Be a real person. I’m not going to wax lyrical about how you have to be an extrovert. Rather, I am going to encourage you to find ways to be yourself. By showing genuine interest in other people – and allowing Continue reading →

Media Kit Request

Are you looking for a Media Kit for Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates? You’ve come to the right place! For media or speaking engagement enquiries: please scroll down and fill in the form below giving us the information that will help us provide you with the information you need!! For non media enquiries: To learn more about Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates and our content creation services for law firms and social impact businesses, and how we serve the non-profit community through communications consulting, please contact us. Continue reading →

Anna Blanch Rabe joins Abby Norman for Bad Dinner Party Guest Podcast

I am a bad dinner party guest. I just can’t help it. When someone starts talking about immigrants and immigration I can’t stay quiet – an occupational hazard for an immigrant in the US at the moment. So, when Abby Norman asked me what would make me a bad dinner party guest, challenging misconceptions about immigration immediately came to mind. I’ve known Abby for a few years now. We met through a writing group. I enjoy her often irreverant take on life and politics. We’ve Continue reading →

When you don’t want to go: Military Influencer conference 2017

While I was one of the earliest earlybird ticket buyers for Military Influencer Conference 2017 (#milblogging17), I really wasn’t sure I wanted to go. It’s been a long year and I admit I was worried. I’ve been on the road for over four months so far this year and it’s only October. Time away means time I’m not spending communicating with my clients. So what was I worried about? This would be another  dude-bro fest that spoke only to male veterans. It would be a Continue reading →

Why your non profit should be writing press releases

Non Profit Press Releases are exactly like any other kind of press release! Whether you call them press releases, news releases, or media releases, and whether you consider them an “old media” form of communication, here is why your non profit should still be writing press releases. Simply put, instead of thinking about release as a way of gaining media coverage, think of it as an opportunity to gain media coverage and a valuable piece of marketing material. A press release is your message in Continue reading →