Tag Archives: literature

Using Archival and Research Libraries

I’ve spent quite a bit of time using Research Libraries and Archives over the last ten years. I’ve done this not only because that’s where the research took me but found me going down fun rabbit holes. That may make me a little out of the ordinary. But it has also been a steep learning curve which has given me a raft of new skills – some of which I learned the hard and unproductive way. This is one of those articles where we can Continue reading →

5 books to help you grow

My reading has always been somewhat eclectic so don’t be suprised by these 5 books to help you grow. From legal treatises, works of theology, summaries of psychological research, and literature from a variety of english speaking traditions – I thought i’d share some of the books that have been lugged around in my suitcase and graced my nightstand early in 2018. Tables in the Wilderness My first book for 2018 was “Tables in the Wilderness” by Preston Yancey – in those heady days after Continue reading →

Writing for Good in the world

I love to write when creativity strikes and while I would contend that is in a place of unbridled creativity that my best ideas come it is not usually where I can expect to write polished pieces. But what is writing for Good? Often the moments of creativity produce sparks and tangents that take time, control, and discipline to flesh out into fully developed arguments that flow. I often have to go back after I have posted to fix spelling and grammar mistakes, and to Continue reading →

So You want to be a Writer

So you want to be a writer? This advice is from a letter C.S. Lewis wrote an American schoolgirl in 1959 who asked her for advice on developing as a writer. Writing is a craft and should be given the same amount of development effort as any other skill. More so, even, if this is part of your professional life. Turn off the radio. Read good books and avoid most magazines. Write with the ear, not the eye. Make every sentence sound good. Write only Continue reading →

Writing a Book Proposal

While more and more writers are going the self published route, pitching book proposals is hardly a dying art! In fact, these skills are useful for any writer – no matter the genre. Prepar­ing Your Submission Step 1. Get ready for rejec­tion. If you can’t han­dle rejec­tion do not try to pub­lish books. Step 2. Write a pro­posal. Don’t bother with unso­licited manuscripts. Writ­ing a Proposal Pro­pos­als look a lit­tle some­thing like this: Title Short bio of yourself Sum­mary Audi­ence Need Com­pet­ing volumes Poten­tial endorsers Word Length Continue reading →

Words that Work

My mother had a book I coveted. It was hard covered and had yellowed endpapers. It wasn’t particularly beautiful but it was the book I turned to most often for words that work. It was filled with synonyms and antonyms. It reminded me that words dance with each other, they define each other, they grow and change over time. The evidence for the definition of a word is best found in how it is used. Read that again: the definition of a word is not Continue reading →