Tag Archives: checklist

6 steps to changing the world

So you want to change the world? I am convinced that changing the world for the better starts with ourselves. I’m not alone – some of the greatest thinkers in world history agree with me. “What do you want to do with your one wild and precious life?” – Mary Oliver Here are 6 steps to changing the world. If this sparks your imagination, and you would like to learn how to apply these steps in more detail, take a look at our Guide to Continue reading →

5 reasons why your law firm should not have a blog

It might seem strange for a company that provides specialist legal content to explain why your law firm should not have a blog, but we pride ourselves on our honesty! When we speak to legal partners and solo attorneys we often find that they don’t know why they have a blog attached to their firm website, or if they do they don’t think it is doing them much good. As much as we create compelling and readable content about legal topics for non-specialist audiences, we Continue reading →

31 Things We wish Someone had told us before we Started Graduate School

What we wish someone had told us before we started Graduate School. This post was originally published on Goannatree, a blog I wrote for 6 years. It was a post that received many many comments and that readers seemed to find helpful. This is updated. _____________________________________________________________________________ There are those lessons you learn from facing the fire and walking through it. Those things that you read and know will change the way you think about your life. This list is definitely an outpouring of the former, Continue reading →

How to be a Networking Rockstar!

You want to know how to be a networking rockstar?! I have news for you. It is really quite simple: Be a real person interested in another real person. That’s it. Seriously. Everything else I have to share with you are tactics and techniques. Be a real person. I’m not going to wax lyrical about how you have to be an extrovert. Rather, I am going to encourage you to find ways to be yourself. By showing genuine interest in other people – and allowing Continue reading →

10 Smartphone Apps for Academics

This post on Android Smartphone apps for Academics is an addendum to my post on Productivity Tools for Academics, Grad Students, and Scholars. Here’s my quickfire list for android smartphone applications for Academics, Grad Students, and Scholars: Cite Fast An application for use on Iphone and Android. 59p for Iphone, 64p for Android. Must use IEEE format to ensure place of publication is included. Essentially for those of us who use Endnote or Zotero. ice idea to have MLA, Harvard etc, but the MLA reference Continue reading →

Empower: January 2017

January is a busy month for many non-profits, with conferences, end of year admin to tidy up, and planning for the year ahead! Last week, we sent out the first ever monthly email as part of this new(ish) endeavor: Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates LLC. ABR was legally formed in September 2016 and it’s been an exciting and challenging few months. If you’d like to receive the monthly email, all in aid of helping you share meaningful stories and empowering you as you build vibrant, Continue reading →

Starting a Non Profit Checklist

I’m often asked about the steps involved in starting a non profit. While there are some standard steps you can take, there are also variations based on the state in which you are planning on forming. You see, while 501(c)(3) – what people traditionally think of as non profit status – is an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) classification for tax exempt status (on the basis of there not being a profit motive and the purposes of the organization being in the public interest). The status Continue reading →

Checklist of items to take to your next presentation or speaking event

Presenting on behalf of your non-profit organization, social enterprise, or socially responsible business can be as easy as stepping up and waxing lyrical. But sometimes, you may need to think through some contingencies. Here is a checklist of items to take your next presentation or speaking event. Note: *affiliate links* are included in the checklist – but only for products and services we use ourselves. You can download the list as a printable below! CHECKLIST Business cards – Bring more than you will need, along Continue reading →