Tag Archives: academic

Multiplying the value of conference attendance

Attending conferences can cost a large amount of money – not including the world-wide induced stop to in-person conferences, I average about $1500 a conference just for hotel, and flight, and that doesn’t include the tickets. For this to make sense for your business, you have to know what your ROI is to make sure you’re getting the most out of the experience. So how do you go about multiplying the value of conference attendance? While these suggestions are primarily for those attending business or Continue reading →

Productivity Tools for Academics, Lawyers, and Professionals

Productivity doesn’t have a finish line; it’s an evolving set of methods, skills, and task management habits. This is especially true when considering productivity tools for academics, lawyers, and professionals. Some time ago, I wrote a post offering some advice and links to productivity tools I found useful. I thought it was time to revisit the topic and reflect on what I’m finding most helpful now. This article is part of our effort to offer advice for research tasks and professional development, like using plain English Continue reading →

Why our CEO is working on a Doctoral degree

Our CEO is working on a doctoral degree in English Language and Literature. Why? To serve you better. Yes, she knows that doctoral degrees don’t always increase financial earning capacity, but she is insatiable about learning how to write more effectively, develop better arguments, and explain complicated ideas to non-specialist audiences. Audiences like your law firm’s clients. She wants to reinforce her education and experience teaching others how to write well. Her pedagogical training and experience teaching/lecturing/working as a teaching assistant at four universities means Continue reading →