Multiplying the value of conference attendance

Attending conferences can cost a large amount of money – not including the world-wide induced stop to in-person conferences, I average about $1500 a conference just for hotel, and flight, and that doesn’t include the tickets. For this to make sense for your business, you have to know what your ROI is to make sure you’re getting the most out of the experience. So how do you go about multiplying the value of conference attendance? While these suggestions are primarily for those attending business or Continue reading →

A Guide to Networking at Conferences

Professionals are often advised that networking at conferences is essential for increasing career opportunities. However, networking is also crucial for setting up collaborations and for developing professional relationships with others in your field. This goes for academics and scholars at any stage of their careers. Like teaching or business relationships, networking is very much dependent on your personality and social ease. It seems to be a given that it’s important, but how do you go about it? and how exactly is networking different from socializing? Continue reading →

Making Legal Easy: Ithemes and WordPress Webinars

We are committed to making Legal Easy and one of the ways that we contribute to communicating about the law clearly are through workshops for the tech community on legal topics. Ithemes is a WordPress theme creator and developer. Here is a series of workshops that we have presented for their clients and users of WordPress. If you are looking to invite Anna to speak at your event, please visit: Inviting Anna to Speak at our event. What You Should know about images and US Continue reading →

Career Strategy and Success Summit

Join me for the Career Strategy and Success Summit (hosted by Military Transition Network) is coming up in Austin later this month – 22-24 July in Austin, Texas! The theme for this year’s Career Strategy and Success Summit (CS3) is “Driving You to Success”. The purpose of the CS3 conference is to prepare our attendees for their future success, whether it be towards private sector employment, entrepreneurship ventures, or academic advancement. We will be carrying this future-mindedness theme throughout our fun-filled and exciting 2 ½-day conference. Continue reading →

“Radical Generosity” – TEDx LadyBirdLake

Good things are worth the wait. TED’s process for publishing talks on the youtube channel takes time, but my talk from TEDx LadyBirdLake, “Radical Generosity” is live! Doing what you can with what you have, is often an ingrained value as a result of adversity and scarcity. The desire to leave a positive legacy in our community is not rare. But, often the very practical needs of supporting our own families, paying our bills, and meeting our basic needs push giving and service to our Continue reading →

WordCamp Birmingham

It’s been 16 years since Anna was last in Birmingham, Alabama! She’s excited to be back y’all, for WordCamp Birmingham 2018. This is Anna’s second time speaking at a WordCamp for 2018, following WordCamp Albuquerque earlier in the year! To buy tickets go here The lovely organizing team at WordCamp Birmingham spotlighted Anna on their website earlier this week, alongside two other speakers! She will be giving two talks at WordCamp Birmingham – 5 Things WordPress Users need to know about Copyright and Intellectual Property Continue reading →

This is a “must attend” conference in the Military Community Marketing Space

It’s time to buy your tickets for the Military Influencer Conference:  calling all Veteran and Military Spouse Advocates, Business owners, and Online Entrepreneurs, and those companies seeking to market to the military community! There is a conference I think is a “must attend” for 2018. If you want to understand how to market to the military community, if you want to succeed as a military connected entrepreneur, or if you want to build a platform, business, or organization serving clients outside of the military community: Continue reading →

31 Things We wish Someone had told us before we Started Graduate School

What we wish someone had told us before we started Graduate School. This post was originally published on Goannatree, a blog I wrote for 6 years. It was a post that received many many comments and that readers seemed to find helpful. This is updated. _____________________________________________________________________________ There are those lessons you learn from facing the fire and walking through it. Those things that you read and know will change the way you think about your life. This list is definitely an outpouring of the former, Continue reading →

Checklist of items to take to your next presentation or speaking event

Presenting on behalf of your non-profit organization, social enterprise, or socially responsible business can be as easy as stepping up and waxing lyrical. But sometimes, you may need to think through some contingencies. Here is a checklist of items to take your next presentation or speaking event. Note: *affiliate links* are included in the checklist – but only for products and services we use ourselves. You can download the list as a printable below! CHECKLIST Business cards – Bring more than you will need, along Continue reading →