Missive from under the goanna tree #4

This missive is the opportunity I take to share a summary of my words, some of the words of others that I find inspiring, an image, and some fun facts about who is reading! You can read the first missive here. And see a list of all the missives here. This is the place that we meet. Under the goanna tree. This is the place we dream, and wander, and imagine. This is the place we hope and plan. This is the place we question Continue reading →

EMPOWER mastermind enrollment form

Here’s the mastermind enrollment form you’ve been looking for. Thanks for your interest in joining the EMPOWER mastermind group for non profit leaders and business owners who are passionate about social impact and diversified revenue streams. EMPOWER Community is a group to encourage, share advice and resources, brainstorm, and offer peer support. This is a group for non profit leaders, social enterprise entrepreneurs, small business owners interested in give half models, and those who want to make their communities better places to live and thrive. Continue reading →

I am a Writer.

Hi, my name is Anna Blanch Rabe and I am a writer. So here goes nothing, I’m now a full-time writer about to travel around the world. With the two part-time jobs I’ve held since I returned to Australia, I’ve worked towards the writing, editing, art-making, and teaching being the thing that pays the bills. But it worked. And it felt kind of poetic. Poetic and maybe a little cliched. I’m in the midst of packing up my life in boxes and shipping most of Continue reading →

Missive from under the Goanna Tree #3: radical change

This is the opportunity I take to share a summary of my words, some of the words of others that I find inspiring, an image, and some fun facts about who is reading! You can read the first missive here. In the last month, life has changed radically, yet again. Work with the local church I have been working with as the lay minister for Community Care & Engagement was hectic, but handover documents have been produced. I had an interview for a fellowship with Continue reading →

Missive from under the goanna tree #2

This is the opportunity I take to share a summary of my words, some of the words of others that I find inspiring, an image, and some fun facts about who is reading! You can read the first missive here. In the last month, life has changed radically. The honeymoon is over (literally), and I’m back in Australia to finish up my role with the Anglican Church I’ve been working with for the past year. I’m still working with a local university to grade graduate Continue reading →

About Anna Blanch Rabe

Who am I? I have many guises, but am hopefully without guile. I am the little girl who grew up in Aussie bush. I am the woman who joined the Army out of high school, who still loves to travel alone and with a hint of wanderlust and mountains of curiousity that pushes me to experience the many and varied cultures (and their food) of the world; who loves to eat, but finds some things nourish her body and soul more than others. Who decided Continue reading →

Missive from under the Goanna tree

It’s been a stinking hot week on the southern side of the earth. But, the ocean breeze is blowing and i’m only a few weeks out from a wedding….my own. Yes, I know. It’s a small world! Once again it bowls me over where people are reading! Here’s this missive from under the goanna tree ‘s shoutout to the readers from all the countries in the last week: Turkey, Malaysia, Brazil, New Zealand, China, Australia, United Kingdom,France, Germany, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Russia, Belgium, South Korea, Continue reading →

A New Beginning

In order for there to be new life and new growth, sometimes other things have to end. Especially, to make room for a new beginning. So, after almost 6 years and over 100, 000 visitors, I have decided that www.Goannatree.com, the website I founded as I moved to the US the first time to attend Graduate school in 2007, has reached the end of its journey. As I’m living in Australia at the moment, it feels like it came full circle and I was the Continue reading →

Welcome to Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates LLC

Welcome to the website of Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates LLC.  Join us, we’re about: Making Legalese Easy. Sharing Meaningful Stories. Empowering Communities LinkedIn Company page: Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates Anna Blanch Rabe & Associates specializes in writing for non specialist audiences. We take complex legal subject matter and communicate clearly in accessible articles and columns that can be used in web and print media communications with clients and potential clients. We make legalese easy to understand. To learn more about Anna Blanch Rabe Continue reading →