I am a bad dinner party guest. I just can’t help it. When someone starts talking about immigrants and immigration I can’t stay quiet – an occupational hazard for an immigrant in the US at the moment.
So, when Abby Norman asked me what would make me a bad dinner party guest, challenging misconceptions about immigration immediately came to mind.
I’ve known Abby for a few years now. We met through a writing group. I enjoy her often irreverant take on life and politics. We’ve both taught English, her in highschool, and me at the college level. She is definitely someone I would enjoy sitting down with more often if only we didn’t live almost on opposite sides of the country!
So what did we talk about? Abby writes this in the podcast episode notes:
” Abby invites her friend Anna Rabe to dish all about immigration! As an Australian immigrant married to a military man, Anna has a perspective that often stops people in their (ignorant) tracks!”
Listen to Episode 3: What you don’t know about Immigration.
If you’re interested in reading more about military connected immigration, read this article on Military Families and US Immigration.